Please add the ability to set a default column sort by bank code in Check Deposit & Adjustment Entry window. Since many of vendors are setup for auto pay, we posts payments in the future and with the current default soring by Check Number, these do not fall date order since the check # structure varies by payment type.
by: Kevin T. | 11 months ago | Financial Management
At least make the column headers "clickable" for easy review. I do like the ability for secondary sorting, but I would like the header sort (like most of the other lookups).
This will be added in the 2025 Release, scheduled for April 2025.
Clarification of functionality that will be added in the 2025 Release.
In list views (i.e. I/M Lot/Serial Inquiry), you can sort columns by clicking on the column header.
In grids, (i.e. B/R Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry), the sort order is defined on the Sort Columns screen - click the Sort Columns button next to the grid.
Currently, the sort order is not saved when you exit the entry task.
In the 2025 Release, the sort order defined will apply to all bank records in B/R Check, Deposit and Adjustment Entry, and will persist (be saved) by user when you exit the task.