We have had a change in service usage in our work. I had not considered until now that I may be purchasing more Users than necessary. Before renewal, I would like to review that effective number - perhaps reducing my expenses.
It would also be interesting to see how active the stations are - even if they open Sage and leave it on all day.
A productivity measure for managers.
by: Tom A. | 9 months ago | Reports / BI
Not sure history tracking would tell you anything more than Sage has been opened and is sitting at the Launcher. What they did all day would be hard to track. Train your users to shut it down when it's not in use, but importantly they need to understand, files left open are skipped over in nightly backups. You can also go to Library Master/User Maintenance/Preferences Tab and select Auto Log-Off and provide the number of minutes it's left open before it logs itself out. This only works if they're at the Launcher. If they've left a screen open from a report or doing data entry, it will not log itself out.