Make the Project Management Job Contact List more interactive by adding searches, filters, sorting etc. similar to what is available in Excel and Correspondence Log. As it is now, if you have several hundred people on the list it is hard to find the person / company that you are looking for. Project Managers would find this a quicker way to quickly get needed information then looking in Address Book.
by: Mary Jo H. | over a year ago | Other
It's crazy that the Correspondence Log has features to sort and filter by column, but the Job Contact list - which is used MUCH more heavily by PJ users - does not have these features. And that there's not one on-screen inquiry that will sort alphabetically by name or company.
Please add ability to sort alphabetically, at a minimum. Thank you!
I agree. This list needs to be able to be sorted. I'd like to add the additional feature of scrolling using a mouse wheel, not the side bar.