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    Unit Based Contract Billing

    On the screen where we do the billing, we would like to add a column to enter a percentage complete per row and then Sage would calculate the price on each row.
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    I need a report that shows labor and fringes that are sent to Job Cost ...

    Only one Fringe is being sent to JC, however all other Fringes and employer taxes are being sent to GL. I want a report that will only show the wages sent to JC along ...
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    Replicator - Replication Times

    In the Replicator Setting one should be able to enter in a start time and an end time with an interval between replications. Example. Start at 08:00 Stop 18:00 Interval ...
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    Increase character limit in AR for mulitiple customer email addresses.

    In AR we use the email field when generating monthly AR statements being email to customers. Since more and more correspondence is being sent electronically, many ...
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    My assistant use same email more than once

    We have intercompany payments so i need to send the ap remittance to my email and to more than one company. Same thing with pr we have spouses, kids but each person has ...
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    pr certified payrolls numbered and able to print zero reports

    we need our certified payroll to be numbered and be able to print zero reports
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    AP vendor last electronic payment tab like we have for check

    in ap vendor setup if we could have a tab for last electronic payment like we do for physical check
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    Allow a user to turn off the warnings for every GL posting that is in ...

    Allow a user to turn off the warnings for every GL posting that is in a future period. Every user will get this message because no body works within the month they are ...
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    In the latest release, when checks are printed, there is a GL warning ...

    In the latest release, when checks are printed, there is a GL warning on the reports for posting to a future period in the GL module. I do not see why this is necessary. ...
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    The bank is requesting a value other than 1 in front of the Federal ID ...

    I am requesting an enhancement for this problem. Our bank requires a 2 before our federal id number. Please help us so I don't have to manually change it every time.
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    Default File Name for Spreadsheet Report Exports

    Allow the ability to set a default file name when exporting Spreadsheet Reports in Sage Estimating
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    Closing Jobs\Projects

    Currently when we need to close jobs, we have to go to (3) different places. Contacts, Job Cost & Job Central. Too much, these modules should interface with each other.
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    Create a renumbering that users can apply. For instance the balance sheet GL #'s were all setup incorrectly. Our liability accounts are in the 3000 range, would like to ...
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    J/E descriptions too short. Increase characters to at lease 30

    J/E descriptions too short. Increase characters to at lease 30.
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    Change Vendor ID

    Please allow the ability to change the Vendor ID in Accounts Payable.
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    Allow Recurring Entries in GL to have an end date/period

    For recurring entries in GL, there is not currently the function to setup an end date for the recurring entries to stop. For example, we have an insurance payment that ...
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    Making Payables ACH payment entries to Cash Management the same as ...

    Making the AP entries the same as the PY entries would make reconciling the bank statement a breeze. As it is now, you have to go back to each set of Payables ACH ...
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    make entries in cm post to banking vendor in AP

    If we're making and entry in CM, whether it be interest Exp or Inc or Edit Register, we should be able for it to properly post to the AP Vendor table so that table has ...
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    allow joint checks received to be applied to AR customer/job and AP ...

    allow joint checks received to be applied to AR customer/job and AP vendor/invoice at the same time. this is much more efficient for your users than the "work around". ...
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    $0 Zero Dollar AR deposit to offset + and - invoices

    Allow $0 Zero Dollar AR deposit to offset + and - invoices. This is much more accurate accounting than your "work around" for clearing offsetting items for which there ...