Vendor name is not listed on the bank reconciliation report for EFT payments.

This makes it difficult to determine each month who the o/s payment is to. Our auditors are unhappy with the current reporting situation. They and I would like to see the name of the vendor for EFT payments.


  • I agree. Our company is new to this software and this is a very basic requirement that should not be missing at this point and I have the newest version 300 CRE version 14.0. Sage, please fix this!

  • Generate Electronic Payments Enhancement Request
    Sage 300 CRE is a multi-company environment with capabilities for multiple bank accounts with multiple banks, but does not have the capability to have multiple EFT or GEP information attached to each bank account set up in CM
    This missing feature in the software to store the EFT banking information on every CM bank account opens the EFT AP processing to too many risks. This issue in Canada is causing many companies to continue issuing cheques instead of switching to EFT because of the lack of control over the EFT banking information.
    It is not logical for a multi-company environment to not have the functionality for multiple AP EFT banking ID’s written into the software.

    • When generating an Electronic Payment batch or file for upload to a bank, the operator must remember to hit the “Options” button and change all the AP EFT banking information to match the Bank Account chosen on each EP run.

    • In CM, on the Bank Account record, create a field for each piece of information shown on the Electronic Payments Options button
    • Have the GEP task pull all the banking EFT information from the CM bank record automatically