Please update the software so that saving a file as an Excel file produces a functional and readable file. Now it is all out of alignemnt and thus not useable without spending a lot of time rearranging data and columns.


  • I highly recommend making this update. This would help out reporting for my company greatly!!!!

  • There is an export to excell now but the date dosn't come out in the correct format it has these additional spaces and formatting issues.

  • Although Office Connector is a good program, it is best served as customized. Having standard reports export to Excel in THE PROPER FORMAT would greatly assist all personnel with data reviews. There are significant issues with rows and columns, and it MUST be able to format properly - especially if there are negative numbers, whereby they do not get added in totals because the (-) is not in front of the number.

  • Confused as to why this has not happened yet?