Font size is way too small. It is extremely difficult to read.
I spend a lot of time in Sage.

I am not sure who the" Sage" is that thought that this size font would be appropriate for the many users of this software. Maybe there was no thought involved here.


  • Don't they know we're getting older and larger fonts are the way of the future! Also, I recently got large monitors and the sage screens don't take advantage of this, in fact they don't work well with them.

  • I completely agree! The font is much too's physically painful using these screens with such a small font. Please, please, please make the font size customizable.

  • Kindly have a customize font size to every grid please. people are using your software for more than 10 years and bigger monitor is common these days as well.

    Hopefully this will make your priority to keep your loyal customer

  • sage 300 v 13.1 Expand size of table and size of fonts in the AP Create Invoice area

  • Totally agree, too small and not a user friendly font. When you have a misspelling with l and i next to each other can hardly see. Additionally, you have to use the spell check feature which doesn't show you where the error is only that there is one.

  • Kindly have a customize font size to every grid please. people are using your software for more than 10 years and bigger monitor is common these days as well.

    Hopefully this will make your priority to keep your loyal customer