For wages that change, we should have a field for a wage rate change and date.


  • This can be created in custom fields. But you cannot run a report reflecting dates of pay raises for an employee. That would be great.

  • A crystal report can be written to show the different rates for the person, so you can see the rate and when it was changed.

  • It needs a table with all activity stored, included changes in wages, changes in hire date, termination date, changes in other master fields or custom fields (so that for construction where people are often hired for a period of time, leave, and return the data we've entered for them for years is at our fingertips instead of having to be tracked separately).

  • In the ideal world, you would be able to flag the fields in the master record that you want in your dataset audit trail. Then have a tab that lists the audit trail of that employee. Conditioning by field so you can drill down to the data you want would be fantastic.

  • Adding Effective / Expiration dates to deductions and fringes would be fantastic too. How many people have certified payroll that you have a rate change mid-payweek? If these dates were in the key, then proper rate retrieval for processing and reporting would be possible.

  • I agree with John M. Having Effective/Expiration dates would allow you to put in future pay raises, future changes in deductions, (such as health insurance rate changes coming up).

  • Agreed with all of the above. Having effective dates on Pay Rate Tables (similar to Billing Rate Tables) would be a great start. From there, having tables within each employee file for each pay, deduction, and fringe, specifying effective dates, amounts, etc. (similar to PM's charge tables) would be great.

  • Agreed. Can we have a change report like Personnel Change Report in ADP that tracks all the changes made and by whom?

  • Effective dates on Pay Rate Tables would be a huge improvement. I don't want to run reports or queries over a period of time to track rate changes. I current make notes in attachments to track these changes which is not ideal.

  • I agree with John M.! In you include an effective / expiration date, the system can read the rate as inactive and a new line with the same pay ID can be added with a new effective date, making it the rate the system reads as active. This would solve the issue.