There are times when we end up with two different names for the same vendor, we would like to 'Merge' them and have all the data & transactions follows.
Also I had a vendor change their name so now "Brown Transportaion" has the Vendor ID of "DALE"
as the vendor was called "Dale Brown Transportation". Someone new would not know that....


  • 100% agree with this. We have vendor name changes often enough that this would make sense. We also have customer name changes where this would be nice on the customer end as well.

  • Agree completely. Also, as you grow your database of Vendors, sometimes you need to make corrections to keep it neat, so this would allow to be able to create an appropriate Vendor Code and Merge the incorrect Vendor Code to the newly and correct one.

  • Agree.

  • We have several vendors within AP that have different addresses, but are the same company. You should add the ability to have multiple addresses for one vendor and then be able to link an address to a certain job.

  • Makes perfect sense to me. If you can re-number a job# in PJ, why not be able to re-number a vendor in AP?

  • Yes! and customer locations as well.

  • This would be so nice to be able to do. I have worked with many AP software applications and this is the first one I've run across where you didn't have the ability to merge vendors.

  • There should also be a FLAG thrown up or a warning message if a duplicate company is attempted to be set up. We have people in our organization who continually forget to check and see if the Company they need to issue a commitment to is an existing Company/Vendor, and set up duplicate companies all the time. Consequently, our Address Book contains many duplicate Companies, that wind up with different AP Vendor numbers. There should be a warning that says "An existing Company of the same name already exists in Address Book. Do you wish to continue?"