It is cumbersome to close commitments as they have to be done individually through multiple "clicks". My suggestion would be to have one button to "click", maybe either in Job Setup or in PJ Job Setup that when the job is done or all commitments have been issued, "click" one button to close all commitments for that job. You could also have the reverse to "re-open" all commitments.
Each commitment should still be able to closed or re-opened individually, but being able to close all at once is a great time saver.
Thank you for your consideration.


  • I support the idea. This may work better at the commitment level - i.e. a checkbox on the commitment screen. Selecting the box should lower the amount of the commitment to the amount of total spend - so it would not continue to be reported as an open balance on a cost report. In a sense - auto-creating a negative change to the commitment - without all the keystrokes & clicks to do it manually.