Abandon the .prn file format which is not easily shared with users who don't have SAGE.


  • Checks must be saved as a PRN file to print them.

  • Checks don't have to be saved to a prn file to print them.

  • Checks do not have to be printed to a prn file; they can be printed directly to a pdf file and will still print fine.

  • The .prn file format is the default when you have journals automatically print via the system settings. It would be great to allow these journals to print to .pdf so that you could easily open and close them without having to go into printouts and drill down to get to the print file. Takes forever to find the journal that you are looking for if you don't know a specific user or time.

  • I have many clients who would use the automatic journaling option, but can't because they want PDF files, not PRN files.
    PDF's can be opened several at once from Windows File Explorer.
    Also, you can search a PDF file for a word or phrase, and you can't search PRN's.