There needs to be a better system of data entry and reporting on paystubs for Vacation Earned and Taken and Sick Earned and Taken, without having to use the ridiculous method currently in place-
(using a separate code for hours tracking, versus dollars paid).

This isnt' rocket science or brain surgery, if we enter hours to a vacation paid paycode, it should automatically pay on that, and add to the hours taken, and therefore reduce the hours available.
Same for sick time.


  • WE track out vacation hours "accrued"/ earned and vacation hours taken in 2 different pay ID's.

    We use a formula to calculate the net BETWEEN Vacation earned hours and vacation hours taken on the pay stub.

  • I vote for a easier way.

  • We use the calculation to show the net also. But that is still pretty convoluted, and here we are, over a year later, and no improvement. Come on Sage, make an improvement here. 23 votes for and still no change?

  • I vote for a better way.
    Vacation pay should reset on hire date to allowed vacation for the next year based on years of service with a use it or lose it policy.
    Vacation pay should be based on hire date/years of service not calendar year.
    Vacation pay should not accumulate forever with suggested pay "Retain YTD totals at close year"
    Accrual sick pay or vacation pay need not prorate when all entries end up the same except for units. Just one entry please.
    Sick pay accrual should revert to balance at "Close Year" and then continue accruing as necessary.

  • Sage... make this easier, PLEASE.