I need to add a PO number that I forgot to include when i created it. I understand my only option is to delete it, and recreate it?? this is at a ridiculous level that has no bounds. no bounds.
I know I have been given the excuse that when it gets created it writes to other modules. I say excuse because that is all it is, an excuse. we sent a man to the moon almost 50 years ago, so there is no way you can tell me you cant figure a way to allow me to add a PO number to an invoice, and reprint it and have that info update whatever module you need it to., without me having to delete it and recreate it. that is crazy talk.
In general, the way you make us deal with AR invoices is over the top way too much work. you need to make it easier for us.
by: tom b. | over a year ago | 1 Financial Management