Sage300 CRE is currently not fully compatible with Microsoft 64-bit Office.

Microsoft office 64-bit Office has great advantage it lets you use your modern resources you have. It can be developed without losing the compatibly with Microsoft 32-bit Office

1. Excel 64-bit Office doesn’t impose hard limits on file size. Instead, workbook size is limited only by available memory and system resources. On the other hand, 32-bit Office is limited to 2 gigabytes (GB) of virtual address space, shared by Excel, the workbook, and add-ins that run in the same process. (Worksheets smaller than 2 GB on disk might still contain enough data to occupy 2 GB or more of addressable memory.)

Users who use Project 2013 also benefit when they use Project files over 2 GB, especially when they are dealing with many subprojects to a large project.

Allow uniform setup for companies that implemented a 64 bit environment as outlook etc.

It time to develop ODBC 64-bit drivers and compatible add-in's


  • I was excited to see a 64-bit driver in the new version of Sage BUT it is not compatible with Office, only Crystal...
    We experienced our first memory errors with Office and 32-bit many years ago already so have made 64-bit our standard so this is quite frustrating!