It would be useful to have the option to track jobs within a job. For example, let's say job # 30-0001 is set up in the system. This job has 3 different subcategories/jobs that we are tracking. If there was a way to select from a drop-down menu when selecting this job (30-0001: Option1, 30-0001: Option2, 30-0001: Option3) it would be easier to coordinate and track costs going to each different part.
A new category option to select which Option (1, 2 or 3) when creating a purchase order or entering an invoice. Then, when a list is printed, there is a way to filter the results under the same job.
by: Sonya M. | over a year ago | 2 Project Management
We have jobs in our system, for example, "Small equipment jobs", that all fall under one job #. It would be handy to select the actual description for which small equipment job that was, rather than writing it onto an invoice copy or just the description cell when entering the invoices.