For standard payroll Employees are paid on a set date for there previous weeks works, our is the Friday so when we go to generate a direct deposit or process cheques it would be nice if the a pre-populated date was already entered, it can still be changed if it is a custom payment entry. The pre-populated date would be determined based off your standard date made to employees and your period end date.

For Example, 100% of the time our payroll is weekly, 99% of the time our standard period beginning date = Sunday, period end date = Saturday and Pay date = the following Friday

For example,
Our Payroll is Weekly
February 21, 2021 = Period Beginning Date
February 27, 2021 = Period End Date
March 5, 2021 = Pay Daye (Date funds available to the employees

We should have an option to setup our companies payroll preferences, and we enter in the above criteria then 2 of the 3 above dates should automatically prepopulate. Pay Period beginning or end date would/should be the driving factor.
