the user should be able to complete the task quickly and accurately without using the mouse


  • It can be done without the mouse, data entry is pretty quick.

  • Agree with E.K.....Little things like moving the sales person to the front screen.......and having a drop down for the SP (Speaking for myself, I have never had a client wanting more than one salesperson per transaction)

  • Agreed

  • Data entry in the detail container works just fine using the keyboard. And its fast if the columns are arranged to suit the user. Using the keyboard in the expanded screen just won't work.

  • Our OE users are slowed down by the fact that they need to constantly move their hand between the keyboard and mouse in order to popup the OE comment/instruction window. Having a keyboard shortcut or function key (like F5) associated would help increase efficiency.

  • John W - you are spot on - my BIGGEST problem with OE is the number of staff who forget to input their SP code. So we use VAR (for various) for all the orphaned orders - and as a salesperson, VAR is doing very nicely !

    Carol C - this is my second biggest gripe with OE - I have customised the page to only show what we need to key in, have arranged all the columns in correct sequence, you can "enter" or "arrow" accross the detail line, change NO to YES with a dab on the space bar, then . . . you need a mouse ! This is very inefficient.

  • Already can do.
    From within an OE detail grid, Alt/I then Tab will have you editing the Salesperson code. Alt/E will then drop you back to the main order tab.
    Don't forget you can also use the File /Customize function (as Admin) to remove fields not needed, leaving less fields to tab through.

  • William W - yes I do that, but find our male sales people can't get their head around using an ALT key - we need the SP on the main page - and the other issue here is not being able to access the "comments" screen from the keyboard - as above, you can change NO to YES, but then what - no ALT key will access comments, you HAVE to use a mouse to click on the arrow....