Batch Description in sub-ledgers to flow into GL Batch Description when "During Posting" option is selected As it is difficult to trace and identify the source batches that is coming from subledgers


  • It does not make sense, you can have more than one subledger batch going to one GL batch, which description flows to the GL then?

  • The description of the batch which created the GL batch.

  • Which one? The first batch or the last batch when you have multiple subledger batches going to the GL at the same time.

  • The first batch. It would also be useful to show the source ledger and batch type and posting sequence number or day end number from the source module. For example, I would suggest GL description would be
    "AR-IN #1234 <description from first AR invoice batch in this posting>".

  • This would all be resolved if in the G\L Integration Screens in each sub ledger there was an option to allow the users to configure the system as to how the G\L Batch Description is constructed.

  • It does makes sense but not if posting to an existing batch, only if the option to post to a new batch is selected in the sub-ledger GL integration options.