Please display the user that entered the sales order, purchase order, IC transfer, IC adjusment, etc on the screen for the transaction displayed. It's handy to know who entered a particular transaction.
by: Steve B. | over a year ago | Operations Management
if possible also limit the access by user id.
in OE everyone can sell all sales orders etc. Lack of control.
If the orders / shipments are created in the field by a rep as in our remote orders applications (and others), we are interested in updating that field with the 'Field User' who created the orig transaction and the user who Posted the Transaction
Excellent idea. This was an addin (OE Security) in the Accpac PLus OE
Accpac already tracks the last user to post that item. I use the AUDUSER field all the time for alerts and print outs. Only problem is that it will be overwritten by another user or by Day End so any alerts need to be scheduled pre-"day end"
In addition to AUDUSER, one new field (e.g. ENTUSER) needs to be added to the transaction table (e.g. OERODH, POPORH1) as the value in AUDUSER field keeps changing with each update of the order or PO including update made by Day End Process.
Addressed in the 2012 release.