It would be great if Sage can provide a set of templates for most common imports of transactions into ACCPAC such as the main transactions for all modules.
by: Caroline N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
by: Caroline N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
It would be great if Sage can provide a set of templates for most common imports of transactions into ACCPAC such as the main transactions for all modules.
by: Caroline N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
There used to be an excel spreadsheet with rudimentary list of most common imports and required fields. Would be great to have that again.
yes, definitely. For many imports there are minimum fields, many redundant. It takes some time to figure these out, that clients should not be paying us to trial-and-error.
X3 has them, why not Accpac? Clearly indicate mandatory fields.
Ooooh, importing is such a major soapbox issue for me. I can't stand Accpac's import procedures!
I agree entirely: we need a much more user-friendly import procedure that simply brings data onto the data-entry screens. Basically, if a largely disinterested data-entry clerk can do it, then that's the GUI that we need. But if the same user bursts into tears to the IT department, then the GUI being tested will fail and the developers will need to go back to the drawing board!
It has taken me ten months to trial-and-error import filters for a really simple regular invoice, even after assistance from the reseller. Even then, there is an error which has no effect, cannot be avoided and needs cancelling. This is the sort of stuff that freaks out the basic user, encouraging them to return to printouts, pencils, paper and calculators. Quill pens won't be far away.
And even this use of the import function is a work-around for a design flaw in the ICT module (which cannot handle multiple entries per account in a fixed distribution set).
We have developed a range of templates to import transaction and setup data. If you are interested please contact me at CP Moore.
Accpac gives us all kinds of fields to Export from AP and AR but they don't all work, so what is the point of the exercise? Clients won't pay for this and we can't charge for entering eg. Opening and YTD Balances - can only be done via an Invoice Batch, why not an Excel import as well!
The import/export process should be MUCH easier - things like item pricing, optional fields, etc. are very cumbersome. You shouldn't have to have multiple tabs in a spreadsheet or csv files with multiple record types - this is very confusing for most people.
On behalf of Paul F.
1. An even better way is that SAGE allows easy editing of the batch by introducing Microsoft Excel’s editing functions, like copy one cell to other cells, drag and drop functions, allows editing vertically and horizontally like a spreadsheet. It will save users’ time to create or edit a batch with 100 or more lines.
2. If number#1 is not possible, can Sage builds simple MS Excel spreadsheet templates for AR, AP and GL batches, so that we can create batches in Excel templates and import them directly into Sage
I'm trying to do a transfer of +/- 850 items from one location to another.
I have all the item numbers in Excel. How would I be able to do a bulk import?
Many end users want the ability to import GL journals from Excel templates into Accpac. As a result, many BP's have developed their own GL Journal Excel Import templates, which they provide to their clients after they have developed them (then requiring ongoing maintainance).
It be much better for all parties concerned if Accpac included an elegant GL Journal Excel Import template with their product, with good Sage/Accpac/300 branding on it. Another Excel template that would be of great use would be an AR Invoice take-on Excel Import template, for when bringing companies onto Accpac from other systems.
This is flagged as 'planned'. Can we please have some feedback on the planning? A key question - is the plan for all transactions across all core modules? I know that's a lot of areas - but hey, that would be a lot of goodness. A rollout of simplified and fairly bulletproof excel input templates for ALL transactions types just makes sense.
Hi Sage, Is feedback an intended part of this solutions area? A year is kind of a long while to be on hold for a reply.
Hi all,
I am trying to upload monthly budget figures for 30 entities, is there a template to accomplish this task? I am using Sage's ERP Accpac 500 6.0A version
T. Dempsey
When is this going to be finished?
With Sage 300 2017 version PU2, there are 18 import templates provided for different transactions and setup entries.