Customer Maintenance needs 3 separate security options:
- Maintain name and address-type information
- Maintain accounting information (Processing tab, Invoicing tab, cust group and Nat account)
- Add comments
I would think all these levels would be able to display all details but only modify those mentioned.

Debt Collection staff need only "Add comments".
Customer Service staff need to be able to add comments and also correct names and addresses, but should not change accounting information.

Similar options would apply to vendors, and possibly other entities also.


  • Add the ability to see certain Groups of customers, as per GL security. This is required where regional offices ave access to their own customers and not to the total customer list.

  • The security option for Comments needs to be available separately (at least) like it was when AR Inquiry was separate. The removal of customer holds by OE staff causes problems and we have to give them full customer maintenance in order to add comments. We found a work around by giving access to customer maintenance but customizing the screen and hiding the ON HOLD. Now when AR inquiry is launched from OE they can still see that the on hold is ON and add comments.

  • I agree. I have a client who needs to restrict their Accpac users from removing the ON-HOLD flag in the customer profile but still give them access to modify certain information such as address, phone number, etc.