When running the Tax Tracking report with 'Clear Tax Tracking Information' ticked, the records should not be deleted. They should either be flagged and dated as reported, or put in a 'Tax Tracking Posting Journal'. Two main reasons amongst others:

1. Reprint of previous Tax Tracking reports becomes possible.
2. Many regional legislations now require software to keep an audit of tax reported.


  • I agree. Still need to be able to accurately detect figures not previously reported, which is achieved by the proposed solution.

    Would also need a "clear history" to actually delete the history.

  • I agree. There should a Periodic Processing to Clear, NOT, read my lips, NOT as part of the UI for doing the report. Hey Sage programmers, do something for a change. (12 plus 47 out of 1020 ideas = 6% conversion rate) So therefore you guys look like you get good ideas but have a crap cpnversion rate.

  • Also the option of deleting / clearing tax tracking option should be controlled by security rights.

  • I agree. This is important, to ensure a good audit trail, verifiable by the system, rather than via any external or downloaded reports that anyone wants to keep.

  • Just "print" to FILE and save in it's own folder - I have 6 years of Tax reports that I can view or reprint.