Can we have the whole location over-ride looked at it is flawed in a number of ways.

For these examples we will use the logic of a customer having a Account-Department-Activity G/L Structure nice and simple, and Account = 6200 - Department = 20 - Cost Center = 56

In I/C Setup you have location 1 set to location over-ride on Department 20 and Cost Center 56, and Location 2 to Department 40 and Cost Center 20

1.) If you raise a P/O and code it to G/L Account and not an Item and code it to 6200-20-56 and assign the line to LOCATION 2

When you print out ALL information in PO from a PO and Receipt Function which is what clients look at (who looks at the PO Posting Journals) it says it has been coded to 6200-20-56 nowhere in the system does it tell you that it will be recoded.

So you look in the G/L Expense Account 6200-20-56......nothing, you have a piece of paper in your hand that says that, you look in PO and it has been receipted and the receipt has 6200-20-56 on it.

However location over-ride has grabbed it and coded it to 6200-40-20

Can this not warn you when you are ENTERING the order or change the G/L Account on the screen.

2) With the same example if the G/L Account 6200-40-20 does not exist in the G/L you get and error batch because the system has tried to create entries to a G/L Account that does not exist.

Same questions as section 1, can't the system warn you.

3) You may have a Location based P & L but most clients run a centralized balance sheet. If you use location over-ride in the GL and your P/O Receipt/Invoice clearing account is 7000, you need a 7000-00-00 to 7000-XX-XX range of clearing accounts. I know if you are using ERP 500 you can create rollup accounts for this so it kind of becomes a moot point but this is a REAL pain and clients just don't get it.

4) If you have a Nationalized Distribution Center and store all of your stock in one place, lets say in the central warehouse, and you have P & L regions for Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western. If you receive orders for any of these regions and process them through the central warehouse you must choose the location as Warehouse, this means that all of the revenue and cogs entries get coded to the warehouse. If you want the Northern Region to receive the revenue you must go and enter the order in o/e orders, then goto i/c transfers move the stock from the warehouse to the northern location (they don't have a warehouse or anywhere to store stock and they never physically see it but thats OK we need to do all of this to get Accpac's accounting to work properly) then go back and ship the order from the Northern Location. Can we not have something as simple as a COGS location on the customer or salesperson as a default as well as on the order and get us to use that for the Revenue and COGS side of things. So ideally we want the stock coming out of the warehouse along with the associated shipment clearing entries and the revenue and cogs going to the Northern part of the G/L based on location over-ride


  • The existing feature works and is used as written in many cases, so it must NOT be removed.

    It would be useful to also have the option of segment override according to customer.

    In a large installation, you can't have operators being warned of segment override during data entry - the whole idea is for it to happen behind the scenes.

  • I'm not talking about having it removed, it does work well in some instances and in others it does not work very well at all with the examples shown above. A number of clients are very unhappy with the way that the location override works and how they actually run their business, the two do not match very well.

    Accpac is FAR to rigid in this area, there are a number of other competing products that have the flexibility in this area and you would not end up with the accounting and process problems that you have here.

    What I am after is it given a logical rewrite and improvement as the existing business logic is so rigid and tunnel visioned it's not funny, it's designed to work one way and thats it. Business, particularly the larger sites do not work that way.

    The current business logic has caused us a lot of pain at a number of clients, in saying that there are also a large number of clients who do not use the location override at all.

  • Agree about inflexibility in areas such as creating non-existent GL accounts and forcing use of multiple GL Accounts whether required or not.

    Other issues can generally be addressed by adding customer/vendor overrides. Most other software at this level has this. If Accpac had both it's a commercial advantage.

  • yay somebody else sees my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!