Currently if you have the default setting in O/E to generate Invoices set to yes you cannot effectively generate an order confirmation for somebody with misc charges on it.
If during the order entry process you order 1 Desk Lamp A100/3 or what every the item code is and then add another line for a misc charge, and post the order, Accpac will generate an invoice for the misc charge and put the rest of the items on an order confirmation.
I guess that you could put these in as a quote first, have a separate quote form that has order confirmation on it, and then turn the quote into an order when you want to ship it and then carry on as normal but this difficult to understand as the user is entering an order into the system and not a quote. Generally clients like to enter orders into the system including all relevant freight charges during the order process and not the shipment\invoice process.
Can we not get the system to let you enter misc charges and then have to ship them like an ordinary item as this will then get around the problem and to get the system to maintain the current behavior put something into the setup that will let users automatically ship misc charges entered during the order process or something like that.
by: Kerry J. | over a year ago | Operations Management
I agree that it should be simpler to enter orders with Misc charges. Perhaps the Default Create Invoice Option "yes" should mean invoice by default if there are shipped items (not if there are misc charges or shipped items, as at present). Or it should be a three-way option (no, yes if shipped items, yes if shipped items or misc charges).
This is an issue we are coming accross with our customers that want the OE invoice created as soon as the shipment is created in Accpac but they also put carrier charges/shipping costs as Misc Charge on Order but want to invoice it with the rest of the order when shipment is made (not up front when order comes into Accpac OE from iciniti Webstore). We will come up with suggestions and post here but for now we vote for changing this feature in OE to allow for Misc Charges on the invoice but not have to invoice right away.
It would be easiest if they just separated the Create Invoice option by entry screen. One for the Order Entry Screen and one for the Shipment Entry Screen. That way you could set it so that entering orders never generates an invoice while shipping orders always generates an invoice.
It would be helpful if there was a "create shipment" checkbox (or something similar) so that users could know explicitly when a shipment was going to be created. We have clients that use misc. charge lines for notes and flags on the order and sometimes they get zero dollar shipments from these orders.