Currently you have the ability to print letters for vendors or customers which is nice.
There are two things that could be improved, firstly the whole process is driven around crystal reports, cannot this be changed into a Microsoft Word template/mail merge or be brave and allow Open Office or Google Docs integration. At the end of the day clients can drive these productivity tools because they use them everyday. Whereas most clients struggle with Crystal. Yes we get consulting dollars out of it when it happens but the clients don't like paying for it as they feel that it's a feature that is there that they should be able to use or EASILY customise themselves.
Secondly when a letter is generated can it populate the comments section of the A/P Vendor or Customer record.
by: Kerry J. | over a year ago | Financial Management
Agree. Letters in Crystal are difficult for clients to do. Need a way to mail merge into Word etc.
Definitely a good idea. As a programmer, I like Crystal and I prefer it for most "reporting" tasks, but correspondence/ad hoc queries/financial and statistical analysis really needs to integrate more easily with MS Office. Exporting from Crystal is just not an option for this. An FR-style add-in for Office (preferrably that could be run without necessarily needing to start Accpac) would be ideal.
Why not just use CRM to produce the letters? It's really easy to use and it also has the availablity of the other people associated with the customer or vendor. Plus it records a history of the communication.
not all clients have crm, some use different crm applications and why should you have to go to an external application to perform a function that is already there?
YES!! This would be a great feature.
I think this should apply to customer labels too.