In V.5.5 we are allowed to perform Bank Reconciliation for Deposits by individual cheques within a Deposit number through "Details", but in V.5.6 the features have been restricted.

In Singapore, cheques are cleared individually and not by deposit numbers. This will cause serious inconvenience to users as they can only enter one cheque collection within a Batch in order to be able to clear cheques individually in Bank Services.


  • Please note that not all cheques within a batch gets cleared at the same time

  • An easy option that wouldn't cause too much distress to the 5.6 release would be to have deposits post to bank using multiple entries. Then add a button to the bank rec. screen to allow the user to clear a whole deposit at the same time. Best of both worlds.

  • Additional we have some customers who imports OFX file, to automatism their conciliation. How they have to work to do this. Have they to capture one receipt in each batch? If they have many accounts receivable. This is unmanaged.

  • This "solution" is a duplicate of "clear individual receipts in a deposit batch - FEATURE REMOVED IN 5.6 "

    Maybe the people that voted for this solution should move their votes to that one in order to consolidate the votes.

    I also want to emphasize one of the comments over there: *** Sage please do not remove features without making it explicity on the documentation ***

  • Amazing that Sage chose to remove functionality like this. This is something that does not appear to have been thought through - what actual experienced consultants would you have spoken with who would have agreed that removing this function would not cause problems. All checks to not clear at the same time. What was your objective by doing this?

    Do you want Accpac users to return to using a 3rd party product that has this functionality?