Add up to 4 fields to each record, 2 to contain the user id and date when a record was created and who created it and 2 to contain the user id and date of when a record was last modified and who made the changes. In some cases, the Entered By field has already been added. All of these fields should appear on the data entry screens.


  • All of these fields should appear on the data entry and enquiry screens - display only

  • Create a table to track all changes, like Pacifics Audit Logger. Keeps changes from day one. Also DO NOT change during dataload process. Makes this totally useless.

  • Dale's idea if fine, light and consistent. Adding an entire audit layer is heavy and audit logger already provides this for those who need it. Would also add another field - the time of creation. Very useful (eg productivity report on invoices created in the afternoon versus in the morning, also for investigations )

  • I have been using this in other databases since 2000. The trigger is so simple I don't know why SAGE has not added it. Our trigger also drives a record to a 9 column audit table (ID, tableRef/Function, field, olddata,NewData,Username,Datetime). Works great and simple to program. Time for SAGE to step up.

  • Hi Gower, no triggers should be used in Sage SQL databases -a bad idea. But genuine data into the tables at time of posting - good idea.

    Posted by William on 22 January 2020 <== just shining a little light on the ideas forum date darkness.