On customer/vendor invoicing tab a default customer/vendor class is set for each tax authority. There has always been a need for a default item class for each tax authority. This would involve only an extra column on the existing grid.

The reason is that many/most jurasdictions around the world have requirements where the item class is variable depending on a number of factors. These factors are most often set by who the customer/vendor is so therefore a default is the solution.

It is exactly the same reasoning as already having a default customer/vendor class.


  • Abilty to add the item tax class to a distribution code or Gl account code would also help

  • Currently users are required manually amend the tax class for each item detail lines, and it is time consuming.
    Hope the tax class of each item line can default based on Vendor/customer class.

    Vendor's tax class was "2",it is no Tax or Tax with 0%.
    When create a new PO, default tax class of each item line was "1", although tax amount is $0, but in tax tracking report will shown this transaction in class 1 instead of 2.
    therefore user must manually amend the tax class from "2" to "1" for each individual line.

  • I also think oe and po item detail tax class should default to customer or vendor tax class! this is a common grouse among users for a long time. It should be similar to AR and AP invoice detail tax class which can be defaulted to follow customer and vendor tax class already.