It would be useful for each user to be able to choose different colour schemes for different Accpac companies. Most common use would be where you are running a test company which is a copy of live data. It's easy to accidentally process in the wrong company, and using an alternate colour scheme for the test company would make this more apparent.
by: Mary O. | over a year ago | Setup / Environment
We have 8 companies and sometimes have journal entries get posted to the wrong ones in error. This feature would be useful to eliminate this problem.
What if the portal had the name of the company that you are logged into at the top of the page, in a super visible format? Would this help instead of colors?
I think colours would be more helpful....
@ Guillermo The name already appears at the top of the screen, but it doesn't jump out at you like color would. People working in multiple companies will often forget which one they're in and color would be more useful than increased font size.
The more visual cues the better. There is no end to how oblivious a user can become when sitting in front of the same application day in and day out.
Having the ability to change companies and change the background or wallpaper for better words with the company logo would be handy.
Agreed, allow the change of the background color as well as adding a logo.
We asked for this on the old Ideascope. It cant be THAT hard.
This is one of those 'low hanging fruits' that Sage should pick for 6.0 in the web environment.
If customisation directories worked with Admin Services, then a different image1 could be held for each company so that the logo or colour or something was obviously different - using AS56 in the customisation directory doesn't seem to work.
Being able to select/set up different color schemes for different companies in Accpac would be great. 90% of my clients have more than 1 company set up in Accpac and it's easy to make errors. Yes, the company name is at the top, but only the truly OCD check that each time they enter a transaction. Color coding would make things much easier on the rest of us.
I agree we have many clients with two, three, four different companies and it would be nice to have a colour cue for users to help them identify if they are in the correct one. With that said, it would be best that these colour options are managed by Admin users only. Afterall, this is accounting, its not high school art class.
Sage - how about some feedback in this forum? Any chance it will be possible with 6.0?
Helloooooooo Sage...
Gwen S - yes, I remember the background colours in Dos. Crazy users had their screens in the football team colours, nearly unusable. So yes, Admin control, maybe a palette of mellow background colours
I have been asking for this feature on behalf of my customers for some time.
Many other ERP solutions (some from Sage) have had the ability to change the background in different companies easily and so should Sage 300 ERP.
I also suggest adding the following 2 additional features to this planned request:
1: In the normal Sage 300 ERP VB screens on the right hand side where it show you the following:
“Licensed To:”
Add a line that shows the name of the database you are logged into
2: also give the option to not only choose to change the background colour BUT ALSO be able to add a logo file to the top right side of each screen based on the database you are logged into.
Then you could put a different company logo jpg/gif (or any jpg/giff you want) for each database in Sage 300 ERP.
Then instead of seeing those Sage "leaves" on the coloured vines you get in the top right, you would see the logo for Company A, a very visible cue to say what database you are in no matter what screen you are using.
This should also be available in the background of the Portal
Then there would be a visual cue that people would automatically see what company they are in.
This is especially key now that you can login to as many companies as you want on your Computer with 1 LanPak in v2012!
Thanks in advance!