At present only the non-account segments can (and have to) have code and description lists created. New account creation is restricted to using existing codes.
This functionality should be extended to the account segment as an option. We have many clients who want to restrict account creation to existing account segment codes as well as non-account segment codes.
by: Steve B. | over a year ago | Financial Management
In addition, this would allow the user to set up a good description to use for reports when reporting at the 'Account' level. This would improve both FR and Insight reports.
Currently, users have to create 'summary' accounts using only the Account segment, and make them inactive.
The lack of account segment descriptions is an issue with Sage Intelligence too. We have a description for any segment except the most important - the account segment.
We get invalid accounts added and then they do not show up in our reports
In addition, can we have the ability to link segment codes to another in a manner of hierarchy. For example, in a three segmented code where the second segment is, say a Department, the third segment which is a sub to the Department segment is linked to the parent (Department), with a restriction not to be able to create an account whereby segments are not linked to parent segment.
This would invariably help when using "Create Accounts" function not to mass create unnecessary accounts for segments not properly linked.