In Create New Year, please add check boxes to select one or both of the following
1. create new fiscal sets
2. transfer Income account balances to retained earnings

This would allow creation of the new Fiscal Sets without rolling forward the Income accounts.

Client wants to be able to start preparing budgets in Accpac for the next year, 2 months before the end of the financial year, because this enables the budgets for next year to be reported using their standard financial reports. This can't be done at present because to create the new fiscal sets for next year, we also must roll forward the Income accounts, which is totally inappropriate at this time.


  • This is standard functionality already. You can capture budgets for unlimited future years, provided the fiscal year has been added in Common Services. You don't need to run a GL Year end in order to capture budgets for a future year.

  • OOPS - You are right. Thankyou.