Is there a way to do this? I can't figure out a way (except by doing a percent override for half, which I don't want to do) and creating a custom tax for the other half (which I also don't want to do).
How do companies handle the distribution of these expenses to multiple departments? I'm having to make a journal entry for each payroll to divide these expenses up appropriately...
If you know, please enlighten me! If there isn't a way, AccPac - please make it possible! Another option is to allow us to select the federal tax code twice and manually change the percentages (which could be dangerous, of course - maybe a warning that a tax is listed twice would solve the problem?).
by: Heather P. | over a year ago | Payroll
Specifically, I'd like to see the option to match the distribution of taxes and other employer expenses to the distribution of wages (percentage-driven?)
Exactly, David! How did no one else run into this problem???
Our payroll taxes are expensed to multiple departments based on the department that the wages are expensed.
Using job costing is helpful but doesn't solve the problem if you want to put the employer taxes into an account where all the segments are the same except the 1st one (which Accpac calls the "account"). The obvious solution is to allow an earnings distribution code to link to the proper employer tax expense code. I was really surprised that Accpac did not work that way when I first started using it. It would make life much easier if it did work that way.
This issue can be solved simply by using Autoallocating G/L Accounts... Quite simple really.
Considered it but have too many hourly employees whose hours are split into different accounts. That means the amounts & allocations aren't consistent payroll to payroll or month to month. :( So, the autoallocation percentages are going to have to be changed each month based on hours. And that's just as much work as doing the whole thing by hand and making journal entries.