My version (5.6) is case sensitive for all searches. I liked 5.3 version better for searching vendors, account numbers, etc. by just typing. It is harder to find things if you're not sure about the case of the letters.


  • I would suggest that if your are running SQL Server that you are running a Case Sensitive collation method, change this to Case Insensitive and you will be back to the way it used to behave.

  • I agree that the case insensitive search should be built into the software, not the database. The Database solution is the workaround, but is not a good solution because the system becomes very confused if you have units of measure (for example) in both upper and lower case.

  • Case Insensitive also causes problems in dataloading the ICUNIT table. Accpac allows a UOM Ea, EA, eA. But when Dataloading to a CI, AS collation SQL database, Accpac now sees these as duplicated entries and the dataload falls over.