When posting a Bank Entry in 5.6, there are no GL Integration settings which specify ** for the Cash account ** to which the bank entry is being posted, how the GL Detail Reference or GL Detail Description fields should be populated.

The GL transaction for the respective bank entry will have blank Detail Reference and Detail Description for the Cash account line item that currently must be manually filled in by the user.

At the very least, the program should offer to bring over the Bank Entry (Header) Description as the Detail Ref/Descrip for the Cash account line item at the GL level.


  • https://www11.v1ideas.com/SageERP/Accpac/Idea/Detail/632 < same as my suggestion

  • Agree, called Sage and they told me that there was a design change and that no information gets passed to the Bank detail transaction. The tech support person indicated that they have had several calls related to this. It won't be changed until enough people complain about it and it gets added to a future update.

    Agree with the first poster that we at least need the entry description passed to GL. Transactions w/ No Reference or Description don't work for many clients.


  • This issue appears to be fixed in 6.0 and 6.1 (2012) - does anyone disagree ?

  • It appears that version 6 have the same problem on the bank (integration account) the expense account is OK. I have several client asking why it was removed and very upset.

  • It appears to be still an issue in 6.2 (2014) am I missing something?

  • The feature is still not working in v6.3 (2016).

  • This is still an issue in the 2025 version. Very time consuming to be copying and pasting the detail when posting bank entries to the GL. This should be a simple fix for Sage 300 and would enhance the product.