When you delete a user from the system, most users just goto Admin Services > Users and delete the user. This leaves behind all of the user authorisations. This then causes data integrity errors as you have user authorisations but no user.

When you delete a user why can the system not prompt you and then go and also remove all of the UI Profile and User Authorisations settings as well?


  • Agreed, this is sloppy programming.
    FYI the quick fix is to open the company that has the orphan user authorizations and then add the user and delete the user. Cumbersome but it clears the errors - or just delete the records in the database.

  • It is also an issue when a database is deleted when it is no longer used. We really need a cleanup utility to handle these orphan entries.

  • Copy or REMOVE user authorizations - and a lot more - see:

  • The v2016 release will address this.

  • V2014 SP 2 has already addressed this issue.