The "Day end processing" for IC is causing a lot of delay in processing the required inventory items. We have to wait the next day (after day end are run during the night) to be able to continue with the work.
It should be real time.
by: Robert A. | over a year ago | Operations Management
There is an option available in the GL integration to make it real time in the sub ledgers like OE PO IC etc,. But it may slow down the performace and it will also create many numbers of batchs
You don't need lots of batches if you tell the system to append to a batch. Does it matter how many batches are in the system anyway, it supports up to 999999 batches and you can reset the batch number to 0 again anyway and I have not been to that many clients who have something in the first column other than 0 anyway!
How about a better idea and join the new millennium and have real time software like everyone else on the planet without slowing down the system?