In PO Invoice, you cannot have multiple invoices for one receipt on serialized items. If the item is serialized, you are able to change the qty of items to be invoiced, but not the 'fully invoiced' field. We need this ability.


  • An important feature for lotted or serialised clients - would then allow part invoicing of a line.

    As it stands, unless a receipt line is deleted off the invoice entirely before first posting, receiving a zero qty or less than full qty on that line results in an AUTOMATIC adjustment entry that reverses the uninvoiced quantity from the original receipt!

    No allowance for a later invoice completing that receipt. A poor workflow.

  • This would be a very helpful feature.

  • Agreed. This would be very helpful.

  • Agreed!
    This is an important feature for lotted and serialized clients.
    The current PO partial invoice workflow totally omitted these group of customers.

  • This hammered me this morning! We definitely need this fixed. My only recourse was to join the two invoices together with no confidence the vendor will understand and post the payment correctly. Please.