1. Module GL Integration (Transactions) does not allow Import/Export, painful to setup 8 companies with same same settings. Have to edit xxGLREF table to overcome this.

2. OE GL Integration (Transactions) for OE Invoices never goes to the GL directly but via AR Invoices. Integration should be able to send to selected fields in the sub-modules (OE Invoices and PO Invoices are the two that apply here)


  • Provide an export/import function to enable update of one database and import into the others.

  • I have found another way by accident. Setup one company, datadump, then copy the xxGLREF.REC files to all other company datadumps, then dataload each company.

  • This is VITAL - why wasn't it implemented when we can import and export everything else?!

  • Agree, an obvious feature.

  • Totally agreed. It very painful to redefine again whenever there is another company database needed to be setup

  • Totally agree and even Stephen Smith said this should be standard... he said that in Australia last year in November ... please add this functionality please, it is standard functionality that is missing, this is a bug.

  • GL integration with sub ledger should enhance with the Import/Export feature. Even the third party modules like Norming Asset Management and Orchid System Inter Entity Transactions having the feature of Import/Export in their GL Integration. By having the Import/Export feature, those clients with multiple companies only need to setup once and only export from the existing company and import into the new company without going through the same setup again as there are so many transactions type to fill in the information.