The finder should remember the last search criteria you did, at least while you have the same screen open.

For example I want to systematically go through all Orders for today's date. I put OrderDate=08/09/2010 in the finder and it finds the Orders. I click on one and look at it and then when I come back to the finder, I have to pick the same date again.

It would be nice to see it put 08/09/2010 in the field automatically.


  • Also would be nice if you could scroll through the selected items using the first/previous/next/last buttons.

  • what happened to the goto finder first function that used to be on the icon properties?

  • For the date example from Stacy, would having a selection like "Today" work better for this. That way, tomorrow when you want to look up the same thing, you won't have to redefine what "Today" means - it is always going to be the current session date. You could have the same type of thing for "Yesterday".

  • a simple "Go back" function would allow us to search files with ease without starting each search from scratch. Great idea!

  • Kerry, Sage lost it in an "Upgrade"