ACCPAC ERP 5.6: Bank Entries / GL Integration: On the GL Entry Line for the cash account being effected, the Detail Reference, Description, and comments are not populated with the info form the Bank Entry. Therefore, if you are reviewing and analyzing the cash account in the GL, nothing shows up to descrive each line item unless you look at the cooresponding expense line. This is useless if you are working with a printout. this was NOT the case in prior versions and needs to be fixed in the next Product Update. THANKS!
by: Louise G. | over a year ago | Financial Management
There are at least two other postings with the same issue.
I am having the same problem as well
Agree 100% needs to be fixed.
Agreed, this is needed!!
Please recify via a product update!! Ensure that 6.o has it to start with!!
So glad I read this! We just upgraded to version 5.6 and I didn't realize that the reference and description doesn't appear and its not even an option in the intergration settings! This needs to be fixed asap.
Would really like to see this fixed in 5.6.
Agree with all!
I agree. This needs to be addressed. Extremely annoying that when I upgraded to v6.2 I thought "for sure they will have fixed this". Still not....
Yes!! The feature is desperately needed by the accounting support staff.
Agreed this feature would save a lot of time, right now we have to manually copy and paste the detail to the Bank line when posting a bank entry to the GL (Transfers do work and we don't need to copy over the detail).