Some of our clients make use of the 'receive all' button to simplify receiving goods on a multi-line receipt. Then they modify the individual lines that might have less than all stock received. Problem occurs when the 'receive all' button is used, the 'completes PO' status automatically switches to 'yes'. When they reduce the qty received, this status remains, thereby making receipt of the balance of items (at a later date) impossible. This status can be changed manually from 'yes' to 'no', however, sometimes this step is missed. Would be beneficial to have a warning upon receipt posting that indicates a line is marked complete even though not all stock has been received - do you want to continue?
by: Bonnie W. | over a year ago | Operations Management
Absolutely, this causes SO MUCH grief
agreed system should set the line status to No if item is recieved less than the ordered
I absolutely agree with the suggestion that where individual lines are edited because not all has been received, the system should be able to remove the "Yes" status in the "Completes PO" field by default. This is long overdue and should be considered asap. We have been seeing less enhancements in new versions whereas this list keeps growing. Sage should make hay while the sun shines.