In AP or AR, when an adjustment is needed, we currently can only select one invoice per entry. Similar to how we can select multiple invoices to be paid in AP, we should be able to select multiple invoices to adjust out, in both the AP and AR modules.


  • I concur and believe the enhancement is long overdue. by: SeisaT

  • This requirement is so valid especially when the terms code used on an invoice is of a "Multiple Payments schedule" type. An invoice is split into multiple payments and actually appears as several invoices (yet of the same Doc. Number) when you pick a Document Number to apply. The problem is that you have to split an adjustment amount for one invoice into many entries - time consuming if you ask me.

  • I agree!!!! I currently have an A/R adjustment batch to create and the customer has an original invoice and 4 months of interest charges on top of it that all need to be cleared off. Now I have to adjust all the charges seperately. There should be a way to pick either one invoice or multiple invoices for each customer account while doing the adjustment. My report is now three pages instead of just one. Please fix this!