Many European countries require tax reporting by the GL Account code where the tax base amount was posted to. This is very complicated to report on at present because of the number of different transaction types that can generate tax entries.
It would therefore be useful to have the GL Account code from the originating transaction detail line added to the TXAUDD table for reporting purposes.


  • This is a key requirement also for doing BAS (Australian) to GL reconciliations

    Further, the Tax reports when printed in item class, do not add up as they show the total invoice value NOT just the line value.

    I have written an SQL query which recompiles the tax data from all subedgers to provide a GL rec, but it is long and extremely complex (eg, allowing for reversed Bank transactions)..

    It would be way simpler to

    1. Send the GL account ar line level to the TAXAUDD table
    2. Send the line level data only (not the doc total) to the TXAUDD table..