Bloody frustrating when you are trying to analyise some date and the export process changes quantities and values to TEXT fields
It's almost as if ACCPAC does this to frustrate the users
As the standard reports STILL do not get totals as a standard a quick export and summ in Excel is one way but again ACCPAC prevents the data being used easily
This time I'm exporting PO Transaction list, PO Order Action etc and it's not working
I bet, as usual, ACCPAC in their wisdom will ignore this.
If ACCPAC actually respond to this suggestion in 48 hours I'll donate £20 to a charity of their choice
If ACCPAC actuall fix the problem within 6 months I'll increase my offer to £50
But I bet my money is safe - any gamblers here?
by: Ian A. | over a year ago | Financial Management
That's a Crystal issue. We get the same thing on any applications that export from Crystal Reports.
Be that as it may
It is an Accpac report as delivered by Accpac - so it's their problem to fix.
Half their time has gone and no response
I bet my money is safe!
This is Crystal, there is no point in beating up Sage. Anyway, there are a couple of export methods to export a report as raw data. This is what should be done if you want to manipulate the data.
Agree with Jim and Steve, go excel data only or csv if simplicity is needed.
ALSO check the option to export to excel with width based on detail, group footer 1, etc - can make a huge difference.
Sometimes clients get me to modify in crystal and 'clean' standard and custom reports specifically for excel exporting - but you usually lose titles, etc to get there. Cant be done out of the box while retaining rich printed reports.
When Seagate Crystal reports was purchased by that SAP company Business Objects, they removed all excel types and went 5 years backwards using the Cell Combine when exporting to excel.
CSV type is just as confusing.
Seriously I can't believe how Sage allow features to be removed everytime we upgrade. It seems in Sage 2014 that the option to choose export to excel based on detail, group footer 1, etc has been removed. Now you end up with 25 columns you don't need. Unbelievably annoying!
Beats me why the Excel format options (detail, group footer 1, etc) has been removed. Can Sage please sort it out.