Currently, when you are using an hourly rated pay code, there is no way to tell the system to include the dollars in the insurable earnings but not include the hours in the insurable hours. Shift premium for working nights or weekends is an example of this type of earning.

The current functionality creates inaccurate number of hours for Record of Employment purposes resulting in the need to manually calculate the insurable hours for the last 27 weeks or file incorrect ROEs. This is a time-consuming undertaking, especially if you have a number of employees needing ROEs at the same time and also leads to chance of error (especially with staff turnover in the payroll function).

I am a little amazed that this functionality is not already included with a full-service payroll software.


  • Use a different pay frequency than an hourly based one, Piece Rate is one that works well.

  • We created a code for EI hours, when we pay out these shift premium hours, we enter a negative EI hours to offset the "hours" component of this transaction, so we don't have to manually update ROEs when we process them.

    This isn't an ideal solution, your suggestion above would obviously be a better fix but it doesn't exist in AccPac yet, but we've found keying a few extra entries in the timecard transactions saves lots of work when it comes to generating the Record of Employment.

    We also use this EI code when we pay out final vacation hours as the earnings are insurable, but the hours aren't.