Sometimes, there are changes that need to be made to the detail lines (in quantities or serial/lot numbers) that it would be easier to do if it could be done before the transit receipt is posted.


  • Yes. Also be able to change the Expected Arrival Date on a transfer that has not yet been received.

  • agreed - it would save much extra work if things could be changed. If we ask to transfer say, 50 feet of hose, but the shippers send a full 63 feet, it would be nice to easily change them at the receipt time. currently we have to receive the 50 feet, then make a new transfer to move over the remaining 13 feet.

    It would also be nice if our shippers were able to change the transit transfer. When we upload into transit transfer, it POSTS it, so you cannot make any changes. What happens if they can't find a part number due to inventory problems? The transfer cannot be fixed until a week later when received at our branch. This doesn't allow us to fix the inventory right away.