AccPac needs to allow a check format that prints the check number and reference field from A/P on the check. Print the check number on the check stub & voucher. This is an internal control issue. It will ensure that, when audited, there will be some trail of checks from AccPac to cleared checks on the bank account if there was human error in loading the wrong check numbers or entering incorrect check numbers in AccPac. Also, the reference field in A/P is not used for anything and can only be reference by looking up specific checks in a batch. This would be useful to have an option to have this field print on a "Description" field of a check stub, especially for "Misc Payments" in A/P.
I understand check numbers are pre-printed on the checks, but that assumes the person loading the printer puts the correct checks in the printer. The problem then being different check numbers clearing the bank account than get entered in AccPac. An audit nightmare. I replaced someone who did this on numerous occasions. Hope we don't get audited.
by: Carolyn O. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
You can print them. We have had clients without pre-printed numbers on the cheque, and we have modified the form in Crystal to print using the cheque number produced by Accpac.