When you want to run a report for a particular month that is neither a quarter end nor a year end nor the most recent month, you have to revise all the coding to get the correct numbers to populate.

What would be AWESOME is if you could enter a period end date (ie. 8/31/11) into one cell and link all the coding to that cell. Then, if you change that one cell to a different date (ie. 11/30/11), all the numbers will automatically update without having to change the coding.

Maybe there is a way to do this? If so, please let me know! I've been searching the manuals, and I've taken a class on FR, but I haven't seen this come up. And, all my attempts at experimenting with the idea have just resulted in "#VALUE" errors.

P.S. Frankly - I think the ability to do this would eliminate the need for many other types of coding, especially if you could link to a beginning date also to pull a range of data based on date. That might eliminate the need for virtually every other kind of code to pull balances.


  • Don't really understand the request. What don't you just run the FR report as at the date you want by choosing the year/period when you run it?

  • MOnth(08/31/11) = 08 = FP. You should be able to use a formula to replace NET1P with "NET"+month(C2)+"P"

    But I also agree with the above comment - why doesn't the FY FP from the run criteria work?

  • You can already do this. We do this with every report that we use internally.

  • Sorry - should've mentioned that this is when developing a custom report that pulls a number of individual account balances.