Bank reconciliation description only displays the source bank and the word transfer for every transfer transaction. Prior to 5.6 the transfer description was displayed in the bank reconciliation description. In addition, there is no drill to source for bank transfers (or bank entries). Either one will help.


  • The bank reconcilation needs to improve from bank module to general module. Can't see much details once it is transferred to general module. I need to put in suggestion for the detail level separately if no one has mentioned it. There should be an option by company needs to either set by summary or detail total. If set by detail total, it should show by line item for each check description for the total deposit per batch. Currently, it's showing just the summary total deposit in the general ledger and not by detail. The bank entry allows us to enter multiple general accounts by each check deposit in detail but it doesn't transfer to general ledger batch. What's the point of it anyway if we can't transfer the detail information to general ledger batch.

    This must be ENHANCED IMMEDIATELY because I am currently entering each check deposit manually by inserting the line in the general ledger batch to show the detail information in order to see them in the reports and look up in the history inquiry screen. You can see how much of the work if there are 20 checks per deposit for 20 times of effort to enter them manually in the general ledger batch once it is transferred to bank module entry. In the past, it had the ability to do that but the current releases turned the feature off.