We need to be able to import more that one batch at a time into a module


  • Why?
    Import each batch - or make your batches bigger
    Post all batches at once

  • Why? Because our clients currently have to enter multiple A/R batches with single-entries to ensure individual amounts show up on the Bank Rec for clearing. It would be great to have a single import file where Amex, Visa/MC, Diners, Cash, Cheques, even Gift Card clearing can be entered on a single import which generates multiple batches so these individual amounts show up on the Bank Rec. It may not make sense to many people but for a couple of our clients I swear it's a hotly desired feature.

  • We too are in great need of this multiple batch import - for the same reason. Has anyone been able to figure out a way to make this happen?

  • We have this problem too - we have to enter about 200 receipts a month - where the information is in excel from other systems. But for the receipt to show in the bank rec on the correct day, we have to enter each day's receipts as one batch. And we could import, but we would have to create a spreadsheet for each day. Ideally (for us), we would like to import one batch, where the date on the entry is used for the bank rec.